on first sight, euphorbia obesa is looking like a cactus without thorns. but it’s a member of the euphorbiaceae family and related to such popular houseplants like the christmas star (e. pulcherrima). the commonly named baseball plant or basketball plant succulent is native to south africa.
euphorbia obesa does best in sunny to bright positions. light shade will be tolerated but then it can grow a bit slower. plants growing in moderate shade should be slowly hardened off before placing it in full sun.
it can be planted in a regular cactus mix or a mix between standard potting soil, coarse sand and pumice (2:1:1).
the baseball plant can be deep watered, what’s flowing out of the pot should be removed after a few minutes. wet legs can cause root rott. before watering next allow to dry.
a half strength cactus fertilizer can be given monthly and if placed at room temperature in fall and winter every six to eight weeks.
euphorbia obesa can be grown at room temperature thoughout the year. but it can be placed at approx. 10 °c/50 °f in winter. at this temperature range it should be kept nearly dry, a fertilizer must not be given.
propagation of the baseball plant can be done by seeds.