Pachyphytum compactum


pachyphytum compactum is a succulent plant with distinctively patterned fat leaves. a common name for this mexican native i havn’t found.


pachyphytum compactum likes a bright and sunny place throughout the year. light shade will be tolerated. during summer it can be placed outside. please make sure that rainwater can run out of the pot because wet legs can cause root rott.

a standard cactus soil or a mix between humus, sand and gritty (2:1:1) can be used. it can be deep watered from spring to fall, what runs out of the pot”™s hole should be removed after a few minutes. allow to dry before watering next.

from spring to fall it can be fed monthly with a half diluted cactus fertilizer. recently repotted or bought plants don’t a fertilizer for the first six to eight weeks.

for showing its inflorescence in spring, a cold winter location may be helpful. pachyphytum compactum can be placed at 5-10 °c (41-50 °f). at this temperature range it has to be kept nearly dry, a fertilizer must not be given. if placed at room temperature during winter, give it as much light as you can.

the leaves of this beautiful succulent houseplant are breaking off very easily so be careful when re-potting.


propagation can be done by seeds or leaf cuttings.