Ledebouria socialis – Silver Squill

the first time i saw the silver squill (ledebouria socialis) it remembered me a bit on an orchid. but it belongs to the hyacinthaceae familiy. this beautiful housplant is native to south africa and also known under its old name scilla violacea.

Silver Squill


growing the silver squill is not difficult. it does best on a bright place with some morning and/or evening sun. but it also grows on a half shady place.

the bulbs should be mostly out of the soil because if completely buried they tend to rot.

Silver Squill bulbs

ledebouria socialis needs a well drained potting mix. you can use cacti soil or mix some regular soil with sand and crushed rocks.

keep the soil moist but not wet and allow to dry between waterings. when in growth the silver squill can fed monthly in half of by the manufacturer indicated concentration.

Ledebouria socialis


new bulbs can be separated from the parent plant.

Ledebouria socialis