Euphorbia horrida – African Milk Barrel

Euphorbia horrida is native to South Africa and commonly known as the African milk barrel. It’s a somewhat variable plant with many varieties and forms. There are also cultivars with red spines and flowers available.

Euphorbia horrida Monstrosa
Euphorbia horrida “Monstrosa”

Euphorbia horrida – African milk barrel care

The African milk barrel does best if grown in a bright and sunny place throughout the year. A lightly shaded location will be tolerated. During the summer, it can be placed in the garden, but make sure that rainwater can easily flow out of the pot, as sitting in water will cause rot.

It grows well in a well-drained mineral potting substrate. I’m using a mix of potting soil, clay granulate, pumice, and bird sand in a 1:1:1:1 ratio.

African Milk Barrel

From spring to fall, Euphorbia horrida var. striata can be deeply watered. Excess water flowing out of the pot’s hole must be removed after a few minutes before adding more water. Allow it to dry between waterings.

In spring and summer, a half-diluted cactus fertilizer can be given monthly. During fall/winter, there is no need to feed.

Euphorbia horrida var. striata can be cultivated at room temperature year-round and needs a minimum winter temperature of 10°C/50°F. The colder it is placed during this season, the less water is needed.

Euphorbia horrida propagation

Euphorbia horrida can be grown from seeds or cuttings.

Euphorbia obesa – Baseball Plant, Basketball Plant

on first sight, euphorbia obesa is looking like a cactus without thorns. but it’s a member of the euphorbiaceae family and related to such popular houseplants like the christmas star (e. pulcherrima). the commonly named baseball plant or basketball plant succulent is native to south africa.


euphorbia obesa does best in sunny to bright positions. light shade will be tolerated but then it can grow a bit slower. plants growing in moderate shade should be slowly hardened off before placing it in full sun.

it can be planted in a regular cactus mix or a mix between standard potting soil, coarse sand and pumice (2:1:1).

the baseball plant can be deep watered, what’s flowing out of the pot should be removed after a few minutes. wet legs can cause root rott. before watering next allow to dry.

a half strength cactus fertilizer can be given monthly and if placed at room temperature in fall and winter every six to eight weeks.

euphorbia obesa can be grown at room temperature thoughout the year. but it can be placed at approx. 10 °c/50 °f in winter. at this temperature range it should be kept nearly dry, a fertilizer must not be given.


propagation of the baseball plant can be done by seeds.

Euphorbia “Diamond Frost”

Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’ is a cultivar based on Euphorbia hypericifolia. This easy-to-care-for houseplant is becoming increasingly popular. Here in Germany, it is sold as a balcony plant.

How to care for Euphorbia “Diamond Frost”

Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’ is suitable for sunny, bright, lightly shaded, or shaded locations. If placed in a sunny to lightly shaded spot, it can be a non-stop bloomer, while in a shaded place, it produces fewer flowers.

Euphorbia Diamond Frost

You can use regular potting soil or a mix of humus and a bit of sand (3:1). Keep the soil moist but not wet, and allow it to dry at the soil’s surface between waterings.

In spring and summer, you can give it a half-diluted water-soluble fertilizer monthly. If it’s placed at room temperature during fall/winter, fertilize every six to eight weeks. If it’s in a colder winter location, there’s no need to feed.

Euphorbia “Diamond Frost” can be cultivated at room temperature throughout the year but can be wintered at +/-10°C/50°F, requiring less watering during this time.

Diamond Frost Euphorbia


Euphorbia “Diamond Frost” can be propagated by cuttings.